Thursday 16 September 2010

The Crown Jewels Part III: A Slippery Encounter

Belle End and Tess Tease have got their hands on the Crown Jewels - with Bash Helmet and Flick Faster in hot pursuit ...

Flick Faster @BashHelmet What an excellent Pride this year! I had great fun.

Bash Helmet @FlickFaster Even if you did get wet a couple of times!

Flick Faster I couldn't help it – did you SEE some of those hot gals there?!

Bash Helmet But no sign of Belle End or Tess Tease!

Flick Faster No – so there's only one other place they would have gone ...

Bash Helmet To the best fence in all of England - The Handler!

Flick Faster Turn up at his place with loaded sacks and he'll handle the goods!

Later ...

Bash Helmet Right – this is where The Handler hangs out. Let's go inside.

Flick Faster Bash, the's all greasy.

Bash Helmet Sorry, but we did just come from Brighton Pride – oh, you mean the door.

Flick Faster The Handler's entrance is covered in some sort of lubricant.

Bash Helmet I'm going in!

Flick Faster This whole room is plastered in slippery gunk.

Bash Helmet There's only one person I know who leaves this kind of deposit...FLICK, LOOK OUT!

Flick Faster A man barged past me and I slipped on the floor.

Bash Helmet You OK?

Flick Faster Yes. I ended up in the splits - first time a guy ever got THESE legs to spread!

Bash Helmet As I suspected, it was Brandon Marlo, aka Butterfingers. We last tangled in Paris!

Flick Faster He's going down the fire escape.

Bash Helmet I've got just the thing to stop him down my shorts ...

Flick Faster What are you pulling out from there? Oh, a banana.

Bash Helmet Let me just pull back the skin ... there. Now, I'd better peel the banana.

Flick Faster Quick, Bash! Butterfingers has reached the pavement. He's running away!

Bash Helmet Not for long. I just need to throw ... NOW!

Flick Faster Wow – you are a magnificent tosser! That banana skin has landed right in front of Butterfingers.

Bash Helmet As I planned, he slid on the peel and fell to the ground!

Flick Faster Hah! His hands are so slippery, he can't pull himself up! Good thinking, Bash!


Flick Faster @BashHelmet Butterfingers took quite a tumble there, Bash. His ankles were up over his ears!

Bash Helmet Ahhhh, Paris...

Flick Faster Nice interrogation technique. He was desperate not to tell you the reason he was here!

Bash Helmet I just got in his face and kept pushing until he spat it out.

Flick Faster Butterfingers said he heard about Belle and Tess' little caper and decided to chase after the Crown Jewels himself!

Bash Helmet Like us, he figured the girls would leave the goods with the Handler. But they hadn't!

Flick Faster No. It seems Butterfingers forced him to open his safe but there was only a forged painting inside.

Bash Helmet Some Old Master that he'd just touched up, no doubt.

Flick Faster So where's The Handler now?

Bash Helmet He managed to give Butterfingers the slip.

Flick Faster (Sigh) Then we've hit a dead end!

Bash Helmet Not quite. There's one man who has eyes and ears all over London. If he's heard there's an interesting package in town, he'll look into it!

Flick Faster You can't mean ... that Victorian villain ... that Dickensian devil ...

Bash Helmet Yes – Bedageezer Scrooge! Let's go!

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