BashHelmet @FlickFaster Right! Let's burst in...NOW!

FlickFaster @BashHelmet It's Belle End and Tess Tease!
... and The Handler! You didn't sniff HIM out, Flick.
Sorry Bash. I've only got a nose for ho's! Guys just don't register!
IsaBelleEnd @FlickFaster Well, well, well – Flick Faster! About time your skinny ass showed up! We've been waitin' in this poop hole for you, girl!

Waiting to unleash some dastardly death trap on me, no doubt.
Hell, no! Tess and me need you and the Chromosexual over there to get us back to the USA!
Chromosexual ?!?!?
You girls just STOLE THE CROWN JEWELS! The only place you're going is prison.
TessTease We haven't stolen any jewels, sugar!
Tess, you're wearing them – tiaras, crowns, brooches and a glistening pearl necklace!
They ain't real, Helmet! They're all fake!
WHAT?! Hmmm. Okay, on closer inspection I agree - they're not real. So where'd you stash the genuine items?
Oh PLEASE! We don't do counterfeiting. We only do snatches.
I can vouch for that!
Don't you geddit? These ARE the Crown Jewels we took from the Tower. The royals don't put out the good stuff.
You're saying that Britain's monarchy displays FAKE jewellery? Why? And what's that got to do with you hiding in the sewers?
They're after us!
You mean all the other supervillains in London? We know – we bumped into Butterfingers!
Nah, not them. It's the Royal Family we're worried about! They know WE know the truth ...
And they have people out to silence us!
Oh come on! That's a bit far-fetched!
Oh yeah? Tell that to Laydee Diana, Tin-head! If it weren't for Bedageezer lettin' us hole up here, we'd be pushin' up daisies right now!
Ah – I remember pushing up a Daisy once. She ...
Ahem. If this is true, what have the Royals done with the genuine jewels?
Bedageezer told us that it's one of the princes who's responsible! He likes to put on the Queen's dresses and the REAL jewels and parade around Buckingham Palace.
You're joking! Who does he think he is - Queen Victor/Victoria?
Actually, now this story is beginning to sound a little more believable.
So which prince is it?
Isn't it obvious? It's Prince ...
Hey! Time for shit-chat on the plane! LET'S GO!! I'm sick of the stench of these tunnels!
First, we'll return this fake jewellery to the Tower and then you can hitch a ride with us back to the States.
Hey, Flick. If you ever get tired of hanging out with tall, dark and blandsome, look us up, ok?
Thanks for the offer, Tess, but I've seen too many of my superhero friends enter the dark side. It's not pretty!
You're right there. Even those who have managed to pull themselves out usually find that something nasty sticks with them.
Why don't you girls switch sides? Try life on the straight and narrow.
Hell NO! I ain't ever goin' straight!
And on that, we all agree!
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