Thursday 16 September 2010

The Crown Jewels Part IV: In The Manhole

Hot on the tails of Belle End and Tess Tease, our superheroes suspect they're being aided by that Dickensian devil, Bedageezer Scrooge ...

Flick Faster FlickFaster @BashHelmet So where do we find Bedageezer?

Bash Helmet BashHelmet @FlickFaster Look down - what's between my legs, Flick?

Flick Faster Just a dirty manhole, Bash.

Bash Helmet Exactly – Bedageezer lives beneath the streets of London in the sewage tunnels.

Flick Faster Really?! But I always believed he was the richest man in England!

Bash Helmet He is! There's affluence in effluence, Flick!

Flick Faster Let me uncover the manhole...PHEW! It stinks down there!

Bash Helmet Trust me, you get used to the smell. Right, follow me in ...

Flick Faster Bash, up ahead - there's a large group of tramps. Those filthy men are coming right at us!

Bash Helmet They're Bedageezer's bodyguards. You keep going while I draw them away.

Flick Faster How do you know they'll follow you and not me?

Bash Helmet Because Bedageezer only uses men who are down and out!

Bash Helmet Don't worry, I'll lose them in the lower tunnels.

Flick Faster I'll carry on searching along here and work my way from the top down.

Bash Helmet And I'll go bottom up.

Later ...

Flick Faster It's been ages since Bash and I split up. I'm not worried - he'll make mincing meat out of those gay tramps if they catch him!

Bash Helmet Flick? Is that you? It's Bash – I need a little help here...

Flick Faster (Gasp!) How did you get stuck beneath that huge ceramic block? And what are those tubes going into it?

Bash Helmet I fell into this classic Bedageezer Scrooge trap! Those tubes are connected to urinals around Central London.
As people use them, this block fills up and lowers down on me ...

Flick Faster ... until you're crushed! Talk about peer pressure!

Bash Helmet Quite! Can you pull me out from under here...(Ugnff) Thanks!

Flick Faster You're welcome!

Bash Helmet Did you come across any boobytraps?

Flick Faster Well, I nearly snagged one on a rusty nail but other than that, no.

Bash Helmet This final tunnel must lead to Scrooge's lair. Follow me ...

Flick Faster Bash, wait! Something smells fishy!

Bash Helmet You suspect an ambush?

Flick Faster Well (sniff)'s definitely bush...(sniff) ...

Flick Faster ... a faint odour of hormones and sweat coming from behind that door...(sniff) there are two women in there.

Bash Helmet Right! Let's burst in...NOW!

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